

The success of every product or service relies on an in-depth knowledge of the marketing process. 在k8彩乐园app官网下载市场营销专业, 你不仅会学到市场营销, 你将与真正的公司在许多类做营销工作. 挽起袖子,帮助初创企业发展成大企业, 你获得了经验, become better prepared for a marketing career all while making a positive impact!










艺术和营销是天生的. Many of AU’s art majors minor in marketing to understand consumer behavior, research and strategy. Working with real companies in the courses offers numerous opportunities to use art skills and build the portfolio!


如果你是一个懂数字的人, AU is one of the first undergraduate programs that offers business analytics as a minor and major. With artificial intelligence and data exploding (especially via social media), combining marketing and business analytics opens a world of opportunities. 课程 in marketing analytics and social media marketing reinforce these skills including getting your Google Analytics certification © On the flip side, Engineering students often minor in marketing to grow their business 的想法! 如你所见, classes offer a unique and powerful synergy of marketing and business majors with art, 工科和文科专业!


Some students are more prone to the creative aspect of marketing over the analytical. 没有问题! There is huge demand for communication skills from public relations to building content for social media venues. AU offers courses and a minor in communications to build a strong marketer!


理解消费者购买的原因是营销的另一个方面. 未成年人 in psychology/sociology are a perfect fit for marketers that want to build products and campaigns to attract consumers. Classes like consumer behavior and marketing research provide tools to gain knowledge from segmentation research to focus groups.

任何非盟学生都可以选择市场营销双学位. To earn a 市场营销 double major, take all courses listed below, totaling 72 credits.


  • ACCT 211财务会计
  • ACCT 212管理会计
  • BUSI 113或其他非盟统计课程
  • BUSI 213研究方法
  • BUSI 499业务策略
  • 经济学202宏观经济学原理
  • FIN 348管理金融学
  • 法律241营商法律环境
  • MGMT 328管理和组织行为
  • MGMT 484操作管理
  • MIS 101分析学II
  • 管理信息系统入门
  • MKTG 221营销原则 & 管理
  • MKTG 300+选择1门高级商务选修课
  • MKTG 311数码版 & 社交媒体Mktg
  • MKTG 379消费者行为
  • 市场研究
  • MKTG 486整合营销传播
  • MKTG 489国际营销
  • MKTG 499战略营销 & 情报
  • 微观经济学原理
  • 英语101写作
  • 数学104或151或更高,或商业150


98%的毕业生 are employed full-time or entered graduate school after six months of graduation.

You will need to complete the Business Professional Core and the 文科及理科核心, 一般, and arts and sciences electives totaling a minimum of 60 credit hours. 此外,所有市场营销专业的学生必须参加:

  • 数字和社交媒体营销
  • 市场研究
  • MKTG 479消费者行为
  • MKTG 486整合营销传播
  • 战略营销管理


  • MKTG 453市场营销实习
  • MKTG 460市场营销讲座
  • 销售管理
  • MKTG 489国际营销
  • MKTG 322营销分析
  • MKTG 454市场情报 & 策略


  • ACCT 211财务会计
  • ACCT 212管理会计
  • BUSI 105商业视角
  • BUSI 106当代商业
  • 国际商务
    or FIN 458国际财务管理
    or 经济学412国际经济学
    or MKTG 489国际营销
  • BUSI 499业务策略
  • FIN 348管理金融学
  • 法律241商业的法律环境
  • MGMT 328管理与组织行为
  • MGMT 484操作管理
  • MIS 390管理信息系统入门
  • MKTG 221营销原理与管理


Students are required to complete a Field Experience option selected from the following choices:

  • 批准实习(BUSI 485)
  • Advanced courses with Active Learning Component (designated as CoB: Field Experience)



  • BUSI 113描述分析与统计
  • BUSI 213商业研究方法
  • 数学104商业定量方法
  • MIS 101分析学I


  • 英语101写作1
  • 英语102写作II


  • 微观经济学原理
  • 经济学202宏观经济学原理


微积分我可以代替数学104. Writing requirements are specified in the Catalog under General Education 需求 for Liberal 艺术 and Sciences, 基本的能力, 书面交流.

The Bachelor's of Science business degree is composed of professional core courses shared by all majors, 每个专业的商业课程, 商科选修共48学分, arts and sciences and 一般 education core courses specified for business, and liberal arts electives to reach a minimum of 60 credits of liberal arts courses (as required for all Bachelor of Science degrees). 取决于专业, you will take additional electives to reach the total of 120 credit hours required for graduation. 你亦须:

  • Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in upper division business courses
  • 保持至少2.总体平均绩点为0
  • One Personal 健身 course (credits not included in the 120 credits required for graduation) and one 健康 Course.
  • 满足大学的全球视野要求

在你的第一年完成之后, 我们敦促所有商科学生获得有价值的, 只有实习才能提供真实的经验. 往届学生都曾在财富500强企业实习, 曲棍球基金会, 宗教慈善组织, 音乐公司, 还有很多其他的.

  • 大多数实习是在两个学期之间的夏季进行的
  • Each credit hour you’ll earn equals 45 hours of work; you'll figure out the actual schedule with your site supervisor
  • 实习 may or may not be paid, depending on your host organization
  • 成绩是基于完成的, 及时提交所有必要的实习文件, 以期末学习报告权重最大

k8彩乐园app官网下载的市场营销副修课程对所有专业的学生开放. It provides you with an excellent opportunity to learn the basic principles of marketing products, 服务, 的想法, 地点和/或人物, 同时提高雇主所看重的技能.


  • 描述分析与统计(ENGR 305, POLS /社会发生230, PSYC 220或MATH 241可以代替)
  • 微观经济学原理
  • MKTG 221营销原理与管理
  • MKTG 479消费者行为


  • 数字和社交媒体营销
  • 市场研究
  • MKTG 453市场营销实习
  • MKTG 460市场营销讲座
  • 销售管理
  • MKTG 486整合营销传播
  • MKTG 489国际营销
  • 战略营销管理

Students must complete at least half the course work at Alfred University and achieve a grade point average of at least 2.辅修课程成绩为0“C”.




"Alfred University gave me a platform to be creative, explore my passions and to develop as a leader. After graduation, I felt empowered to jump into the professional environment to put my skills to..."

杰西卡·里根, 2008


数字世界在不断发展, so our marketing program focuses more on analytics and social media than ever before. 事实上, ours is one of the first undergraduate degrees in business analytics and our marketing majors are flocking to the minor, 在毕业后创造了大量的就业机会!
